Where and How to Start SEO

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization is one of the many businesses that has grown out of Google’s demoninance on the internet. Achieving good search engine rankings or SEO has become as important as other niche industries such as building apps and developing websites. There was a time when Google was just a research project of two Stanford graduate students who had to use LEGO bricks to create storage components for their 10 4G hard drives.

Who would have imagined that, more than a decade and a half later, around 92 percent of American adults would be performing at least one internet search per day and that Google would be getting the vast majority of these searches. It happened, and search engine optimization became a major part of the industry. This is because inbound leads cost around 61 percent less than outbound leads like cold calling.

Furthermore, when people are trying to research the products that they need to purchase today, there is no better resource for them than the internet. Close to 60 percent of all consumers start researching their products or their service by using a search engine. That is approximately 35 percent more than the number of people who will start by visiting a company website.

What is perhaps more important is the fact that around 88 percent of people who use the internet over the age of 14 have searched for products onlien since 2012 and a large percentage of those are following up on social media. That means that people want to be informed when they make a purchase and SEO can guide them to the right purchase. There is really no question that SEO matters. This is difficult for many people to process, but there is no question that when it comes to making a breaking an industry, there is really no question of the fact that finding the right search options is essential.

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2 responses to “Where and How to Start SEO”

  1. I like the idea of search engine optimization, though I am fairly skeptical as to the notion that people will be able to use it effectively. Most business owners don’t use keywords and all that kind of thing.

  2. I like the idea of search engine optimization, though I am fairly skeptical as to the notion that people will be able to use it effectively. Most business owners don’t use keywords and all that kind of thing.

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